Nov 08

She’s ready to come home!

All the bodywork and painting are done and she’s ready to come home!

IMAG1160 IMAG1161 IMAG1162

Check out the Gotham City Bomb Squad truck sitting behind her. That was formerly a USAF ambulance that was converted into a “bomb squad truck” by a company in the area and used in one of the Batman movies!

Oct 24

More bodywork

Stopped in again to take more pictures. Since the last visit, they have completed the cutting and welding and most of the body filling, and have started sanding.

IMAG1067 IMAG1068 IMAG1069 IMAG1070 IMAG1071 IMAG1072 IMAG1073 IMAG1074 IMAG1075 IMAG1076 IMAG1077 IMAG1078 IMAG1079

Oct 17

First day in the body shop

Stopped by the body shop to take a few pictures. Today, they were mostly just working on removing trim, etc.

removing trim removing trim removing trim

(The trim is being removed because this is a Fury II, and I’m trying to recreate the no-frills Fury I police model. Basically, the difference — in terms of appearance, anyway — is just in the trim level.)